Don't you just wanna AOE them all down?
So yeah, there's THAT. Now THOSE are sexy. SEXY.
Preliminary, obviously.
Hot on the heels of this is the talk of HoTs being allowed to be affected by Haste.
So let's discuss that.
Currently, Rejuv ticks for 12 seconds.
That's tick tick heal, tick tick heal, tick tick heal, tick tick heal. Refresh
By adding Haste, You could get:
tick heal, tick heal, tick heal, refresh
By adding more you could get:
tickheal, tickheal, refresh
Sooo, what we have here is something interesting. You can have a smooth and steady 12 second rejuv that heals every 3 seconds, OR you can have a quick bursty rejuv that heals every 2 seconds for 6 seconds, OR you can have a retarded rejuv that heals every .365 seconds for 1.5 seconds.
Obviously you can easily get carried away by your haste. If you have too much haste you'll be spamming rejuv nonstop just to keep it up, in an encounter that has retarded amounts of dmg I can see this being useful...Yeah no. Let's get real here.
Even if having a 3 second rejuv WERE beneficial, the benefits would be lost because your spamming 18% of your mana every 3 seconds as opposed to spamming 18% mana every 12 seconds. We'd literally be making sure our haste is at a specific amount in order to maximize our healing vs mana output.
You can take your hasted rejuv and stick it where you stuck my old school (And PERFECT, by the way)Lifebloom.
Dumbest thing I think I ever heard. Seriously Blizzard, stop listening to the player base on new spell mechanics. Most of us are just not what you would call... well smart.
...grumblegrumble... hasted rejuvs... pfft.