So let me tell you about MY day.
First off, I'm in a guild now that does 10 mans, and generally speaking its a fun guild and the people are fun and make me laugh while at the same time we get the job done. It isn't a hxc guild by any means, and it tends on the casual side, with people wanting to leave after 5 or 6 wipes on the same thing. So be it.
There's been a lot of clique-ishness going on as most of the raiders have friends in the guild they know in real life. In our progression raids alone we have 3 couples, one of which is ME!
There's one couple who actually are great players and have hxc mentality but are held back by a shoddy isp. One is a rogue and the other is a warlock. I have liked these two since I met them. Until tonight.
So we're in toc. We're at faction champs, marking and explaining for the new girl, who just happens to be a real life friend of one of the tanks. Its a long explanation, so we get bored. Turkeys and fires come out, pandas, lil kt's, furbolgs, flame dancers, disco balls, the Arch Mage, basically anything fun that we have, we play with when we wait.
This time, I opt for my trusty turkey shooter. I shoot the rogue. He removes the buff. I get an idea. I sneak over to him, pull out my own turkey, shoot him again and command that he make an army of turkeys for me by mating with my own little gobblenator. Someone else points out that the turkey pet is male because he "Senses HIS Destiny." and that this "mating" may not be fruitful. You know, just goofin off while we wait.
He logs out.
He then instructs his wife to tell us that "He came to raid, not to be turned into a turkey" and that "He mentioned in Gchat repeatedly that he did not want to be turned into a turkey".
I was not on for this, so I was unaware.
Here's my two cents:
So fucking what. Oh no, the big baby doesn't like being turkified! He hates this holiday because people turn him into a turkey. Tough shit, buddy. We standing here waiting for a ready check and decide to have a little fun and instead of saying something, you turn into a 5 year old and throw a tantrum. Had we had 2 more dps online, I would have straight said, fuck you, and brought someone who wasn't going to behave like Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie. The fact that you would hold up the raid because you felt that having you pixels redesigned, while not affecting you dps in any way I might add, was a slight to you, shows exactly how much you really wanted to raid. Save your little PMS drama session for a pug. This is a guild run and we're all friends here. But YOU have to be a big ole drama queen and fuck the fun right out the window like a bad porno.
I lost almost ALL the respect I had for these two tonight. One for being a wet blanket and the other for making things worse. When my gf behaves like a spoiled princess, I call her on it. When I act like an unreasonable douche, she calls ME on it. But instead of saying, "Hey honey, stfu and stop being a big baby." she goes and placates his childish behavior.
And even AFTER I told him all he had to do was /t me he didn't like that, he still decided airing laundry in raid chat was the proper way to handle things.
I will not apologize for my actions. Although, I had to fight the urge to use the remaining 6 in my bags to fuck with him all night.
It made me realize that, this may not be the guild for us. If such a little thing like that can turn a friend into a foe, then there's more drma here than meets the eye. These waters are dark and the kraken that lie beneath these waves may be bigger than I had originally thought.
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